This mother gave birth to four children in less than a year!
Pregnancy news

This mother gave birth to four children in less than a year!

Shortly after the birth of her second child, the young mother discovered she was pregnant again, this time with triplets! Although her life is filled with five children and four babies, she loves to tell us about her joy.

Conception doesn’t always come when you expect it… Jessica Pritchard can’t deny it! The 31-year-old Brit from Sheffield was shocked to discover she was pregnant again, just months after giving birth to her second child. And with triplets!

Pregnant with triplets shortly after giving birth

Jessica was already mom to Molly when she gave birth to her second child, another girl named Mia, in May 2020. She then took advantage of her maternity leave and became pregnant again in October 2020!

She explained to SWNS that she had to go alone for her first ultrasound because of the restrictions of the COVID-19.

“The sonographer initially said I was having twins, which was a shock in itself, but then she carried on looking and said she had found a third,” she recalls. She adds, “I was speechless. I could not really believe it at first.”

When she returned home, still stunned by the announcement, she waited a while before breaking the news to her husband, Harry.

“I waited until I got home to tell Harry as he was with the girls and with it being very early days and because of potential complications with triplets, I didn’t want to say in front of them. When I did tell him, he was also speechless. I don’t think he believed me until I showed him the scan picture. He was very excited,” says Jessica.

For some parents, preparing for triplets when they already have two children can be difficult. But Jessica and Harry were quick to embrace it.

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Less than a year after her last birth, she brings triplets into the world

The triplets were born in April 2021, just 11 months after big sister Mia! Out of an abundance of caution, doctors sped up the delivery to week 31 of pregnancy, so George, Olivia, and Ella spent seven weeks in intensive care.

“I was there most of the time but with an 11-month-old I was also needed at home which was difficult, but the staff made it as easy for me as they possibly could, reassuring me, sending pictures, updates and answering any questions I had at all,” recalls the mother.

After a few weeks, when everyone was feeling great, they were able to return home. “We’ve had them all home together for a couple of weeks and Molly loves being a big sister. She adores them all. She’s such a good sister and wants to help all of the time,” Jessica said.

“The triplets are in a really good routine and I’m quite organized normally anyway, so it has gone well so far since they came home,” said the young mother.

But she also admits that some moments are more sporting than others. “Meal times are fun because they all need feeding at the same time. Apart from it taking longer to feed, there are also three nappies to change instead of one,” she said.

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