The smallest baby ever born in the world is finally well!

The smallest baby ever born in the world is finally well!

Yu Xuan was born at the Singapore’s National University Hospital and was the world’s smallest baby… weighing only 212 grams at birth! After months in the hospital, she can finally go home for the first time. The world’s smallest baby was born four months premature, weighing 212 grams and measuring 24 centimeters at birth. Kwek …

In Argentina, maternity is now included in the calculation of retirement benefits

Since Wednesday, 4 August 2021, all Argentine women who have had children will be entitled to additional benefits when entering retirement. A few months after Argentine women got the right to voluntary abortion, they will see another important step in women’s rights. From now on, many aspects of maternity will be considered when calculating pensions. …

This mother gave birth to four children in less than a year!

Shortly after the birth of her second child, the young mother discovered she was pregnant again, this time with triplets! Although her life is filled with five children and four babies, she loves to tell us about her joy. Conception doesn’t always come when you expect it… Jessica Pritchard can’t deny it! The 31-year-old Brit …