In Argentina, maternity is now included in the calculation of retirement benefits
Pregnancy news

In Argentina, maternity is now included in the calculation of retirement benefits

Since Wednesday, 4 August 2021, all Argentine women who have had children will be entitled to additional benefits when entering retirement.

A few months after Argentine women got the right to voluntary abortion, they will see another important step in women’s rights. From now on, many aspects of maternity will be considered when calculating pensions.

“With this step, we are giving visibility and repairing a historical and structural inequality, recognizing and valuing the time that women dedicate to the education of their children,” says Argentina’s National Social Security Agency (Anses).

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155,000 mothers covered by the scheme

From now, in Argentina, pregnant women will receive a lifetime pension for each child and two years for each adoption. In addition, one year for a disabled child and two years if they have received assistance similar to family allowances for twelve months, according to the business newspaper Ambito Financiero.

As of this year, 155,000 mothers are expected to benefit from the new system. Before the law was passed, almost 300,000 mothers between the ages of 60 and 64 were not receiving benefits.

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